Here is your opportunity to keep up with everything that's happening in the world of wine and food. Be up-to-date on
"new releases," special offers and upcoming events by being on private mailing lists for FREE winery newsletters.
Newsletters are filled with solid information, amusing anecdotes, recipes and more. And check the list of professional, by-
subscription magazines and newsletters. Even The Wine Trader can't cover everything that's going on in the world of wine,
and these publications are some of the very best other sources of information. Most offer special introductory subscription
rates or special prices for sample issues. (Companies interested in listing their publication, please contact The Wine Trader
office at (702) 884-2648 for further information.)
ALCHEMIST'S WINE PERSPECTIVE contains reliable wine information and reviews from the
perspective of a chemistry professor through discussion of timely topics, fresh opinions and the unique
"CNFATE" system of wine review that provides a better way to communicate variations in tasting and
the appreciation of wines. Subscription (4 issues) $20; Sample issue $2. The Alchemist's Wine
Perspective, P.O. Box 827, Alamo, CA 94507-0827; phn/fax (510) 855-0490. (7S-2)
PASSPORT TO SAVINGS at Acacia to Viansa. Nearly 100 Napa & Sonoma wineries are
waiving tasting fees/offering special discounts (5% to 30%) to valued card members. Plus 100 pages of must-have information
for your next trip to wine country. For a free brochure call (707) 255-1639. 1 yr/1 person booklet, $20. 1 yr./2 person booklet,
$25. ($2 postage; CA add 7.25% sales tax.) V.I.T. Wine Marketing, Box 174, Napa, CA 94559. (7R-3)
WINE STORAGE UNIT UNDER $100? YES! I put one together that holds 75 bottles at
proper temperature in just a few hours, and it was easy! Like to know how? For complete, detailed instructions send
$5 payable to: Wine Storage, P.O. Box 19654-215, Irvine, CA 92623. (7R-5)
INTERNATIONAL WINE CELLAR (formerly The New York Wine Cellar). The consumer's
passport to fine wine. Features extensive tasting notes and vintage evaluations, in-depth interviews
with wine insiders, lucid treatment of technical topics and controversial issues, and regular coverage
of excellent inexpensive wines. Send $48 check for subscription (6 issues) or $8 for sample issue to:
Tanzer Business Communications, P.O. Box 20021, Cherokee Station, New York, NY 10021. Phone
(212) 772-0454. (7R-6)
from 9 major wine periodicals. 500 domestic and foreign wines per issue. Handy pocket size. $21.95/yr.; (4 issues),
satisfaction guaranteed. Grapevine Associates, P.O. Box 6003, Oxford, OH 45056. Phone (800) 524-1005. (7R6)
VINTAGE PUBLICATIONS Offers two colorful, full size annual guidebooks, NAPA VALLEY
GUIDE and SONOMA COUNTY GUIDE. Up-to-date maps and guides to wineries, lodgings, balloon rides, golf,
historic places and points of interest. Full page restaurant menus and reviews, too. Both for only $10.90 plus tax (in CA) and
$3 shipping. Credit cards welcome. Order toll free 1-800-651-8953. (7R-4)
JOURNAL offers and unbiased, comprehensive commentary and evaluation of the world's finest wines in a non-
nonsense style. Recently merged with Rarities, a publication devoted to old and rare wines, fine dining and travel, The Journal
offers even greater value. Underground Wine Journal, Box 3567, So. Pasadena, CA 91031 (818) 441-6617; FAX (818) 441-
6765. 1 year subscription $48; sample issue $8. (7S-1)
MAC'S WINE & FOOD FAX is a concise and sometimes whimsical weekly wine and food
newsletter. Each week Mac recommends six readily available wines. He tells you what the wines
taste like and what foods they complement. Each issue contains timely wine and food commentary
and his candid thoughts. Delivered by fax each Thurs.: $65 per year (52 issues); $35 for 6 mos.; ONE
FREE SAMPLE ON REQUEST. McGraw & Assoc., Box 121, Pleasanton, CA 94566. Phone
(510) 462-5761 or Fax (510) 485-0257. (7R-3)
WINES & VINES: Faithful chronicler of the wine industry since 1919. The "publication of record" for the
winegrowing and making community. Published monthly, with an Annual Directory which lists all wineries in North America,
plus winery maps, a brand cross-reference index, roster of industry players and more. Sample issue $5; annual subscription
$32.50; annual subscription and directory $82.50. Directory only, $50. Wines & Vines, 1800 Lincoln Ave., San Rafael,
CA 94901, phone (415) 453-9700; fax (415) 453-2517. (ZM-5B)
WINE VALUE QUARTERLY Contains 4000 great buys of affordable domestic and international quality wines.
Pocket-sized, bring it to the store. Quality and value ratings plus retail price. Current, 500 wines added each quarter. Money
back guarantee. $19.95/yr. (4 issues). MC & VISA. Sample issue $6. WVQ Corp., P.O. Box 824, Calverton, NY 11933
(800) 200-2657 or FAX (516) 929-0029. (7R-4)
THE PETITE SIRAH REPORT, P.O. Box 2017, Glen Ellen, CA 95442; (707) 996-6492; FAX (707) 996-6494; E-
mail: (4S-1)
CREEKSIDE CHRONICLE Alder-brook Vineyard & Winery, 2306 Magnolia DR, Healdsburg, CA 95448 (800)
655-3838 or (707) 433-5987; Fax (707) 433-0165. (4S-1)
AMBASSADOR CLUB NEWSLETTER (Non-Alcoholic Wine), Ariel Vineyards, Box 3437,
Napa, CA 94558 (800) 456-9472; Fax (707) 258-8052. (4R-3)
BANNISTER WINELETTER Bannister Wines, 1139 Sunnyside Dr., Healdsburg, CA 95448 (707) 433-6402.
BELVEDERE EXCHANGE Belvedere Winery, 4035 Westside Rd., Healdsburg, CA 95448 (707) 433-8236, ext
40; (800) 433-8296, ext. 40, FAX (707) 433-4927 (4R-5)
BRIDGEVIEW VINEYARDS NEWSLETTER Bridgeview Winery, 4210 Holland Loop Rd., Cave
Junction, OR 97523 (541) 592-4688; FAX (541) 592-2127 (4R-6)
BRUTOCAO NEWSLETTER Brutocao Cellars, P.O. Box 780, Hopland, CA 95449; Phone (800) 433-3689 or
(707) 744-1066; fax (707) 744-1046. (4R-4)
CALLAWAY GRAPEVINE, Calla-way Vineyard & Winery, P.O. Box 9014, Temecula, CA 92589 (909)
676-4001. (4R-2)
JULIEN JOURNAL Chateau Julien Wine Estate offers a complimentary quarterly newsletter, 8940 Carmel Valley
Rd. (P.O. Box 221775), Carmel, CA 93923; (408) 624-2600 or (800) 966-2601. (4S-1)
WINE NUGGETS, Coulson Eldorado Winery, 3550 Carson Rd., Box 922, Camino, CA 95709, (916) 644-2854 or
FAX (916) 676-8313. (4S-1)
DAVID BRUCE NEWSLETTER, David Bruce Winery, 21439 Bear Creek Rd., Los Gatos, CA 95030 (800) 397-
9972 or (408) 354-4214. (4R-6)
WINERY NEWS, Davis Bynum Winery, 8075 Westside Rd., Healdsburg, CA 95448 (800) 592-1063 (4R-3)
ELKHORN NEWS Elkhorn Peak Cellars, P.O. Box 821, Napa, CA 94559 (707) 255-0480; FAX (707) 255-0504.
GARY FARRELL NEWSLETTER: Gary Farrell Wines, P.O. Box 342, Forestville, CA 95436; (707) 433-
6616. (4R-6)
TRUMPET OF THE VINES Ferrari-Carano, 8761 Dry Creek Rd., Healdsburg, CA 95448; (707) 433-6700. (4R-
PRESSING NEWS Thomas Fogarty Winery, 5937 Alpine Rd., Portola Valley, CA 94028 (415) 851-6777. (4R-
FOLIE A DEUX NEWSLETTER, Folie à Deux Winery, 3070 N. St. Helena Hwy., St. Helena, CA 94574; (800)
473-4454; Fax (707) 963-9223; E-Mail:; Web: (4R6)
FOPPIANO GRAPE TIDINGS Foppiano Vineyards, P.O. Box 606, Healdsburg, CA 95448 (707) 433-7272. (4R-
GALANTE GAZETTE, Galante Vineyards, 18181 Cachagua Rd., Carmel Valley, CA 93924
1-800-GALANTE. Call for our complimentary newsletter which includes info on our limited releases of
ultra-premium wines, our "Summer Sounds" concert series with great food and wine and recent
reviews of our acclaimed Cabs. (7S-2)
GUENOC NEWSLETTER Guenoc Winery, P.O. Box 1146, Middletown, CA 95461 (707) 987-2385. (4S-1)
IN TUNE WITH HARMONY CELLARS From the Artisan Town of Harmony, P.O. Box 2502, 3255 Harmony
Valley Rd., Harmony, CA 93435; (805) 927-1625 or (800) 432-9239. (4S-1)
NEWS FROM HOMEWOOD Homewood Winery, 23120 Burndale Road, Sonoma, CA 95476 (707) 996-6353.
IRONSTONE DESTINATION POINTE Kautz Ironstone Vineyards, 1894 Six Mile Road, Murphys,
CA 95247 (209) 728-1251; FAX (209) 728-1275. (4S-1)
J. PEDRONCELLI WINERY NEWSLETTER J. Pedroncelli Winery, 1220 Canyon Rd., Geyserville, CA 95441;
(707) 857-3531. (4R-3)
PHELPS NEWS BRIEFS: Joseph Phelps Vineyards, P.O. Box 1031, St. Helena, CA 94574 (707) 963-2745. (4R-
FROM THE CELLAR Llano Estacado Winery, PO Box 3487, Lubbock, TX 79452 (806) 745-2258. (4S-1)
BETWEEN THE VINES: Martini & Prati & Mark West Estate, 7010 Trenton-Healdsburg Rd.,
Forestville, CA 95436; (707) 544-4813; Fax (707) 829-6151. (4R-6)
MONTEVIÑA GAZETTA: Monteviña Winery, P.O. Box 100, Plymouth, CA 95669; (209) 245-6942. (4R-3)
MONTICELLO NEWSLETTER Monticello Vineyards, 4242 Big Ranch Road, Napa, CA 94558 (800)
743-6668 or (707) 253-2802. E-mail: (4S-1)
NEWLAN NEWS N' NOTES Call or write for a free subscription to the Newlan newsletter. Filled with
information on Napa Valley and Newlan's award-winning wines. Also ask about our Premium Wine Club, bringing fine wines
to your door once a month. Newlan Vineyards, 5225 Solano Ave., Napa, CA 94558 (800) 500-9463. (7R-2)
PALMER PRESSINGS, Palmer Vineyards P.O. Box 2125 Aquebogue, NY 11931. An entertaining newsletter
from Long Island's most honored winery. It is distributed free by request to the address above or to (516) 722-WINE or E-
Mail: And check out our website: (7S-1)
PARAISO SPRINGS NEWSLETTER Paraiso Springs Vineyards, 38060 Paraiso Springs Rd., Soledad,
CA 93960 (408) 678-0300 (4R-3)
FESS PARKER WINERY NEWSLETTER, Fess Parker Winery & Vineyard, Box 908, Los Olivos, CA
93441 (805) 688-1545. (4R-5)
DESSERT WINE DIGEST: Quady Winery, P.O. Box 728, Madera, CA 93639; (209) 673-8068. (4R-6)
SIMI WINERY NEWSLETTER: Simi Winery, P.O. Box 698, Healdsburg, CA 95448; (707) 433-6981. (4R-
SILHOUETTE Sobon Estate & Shenandoah Vineyards, 12300 Steiner Rd., Plymouth, CA 95669 (209) 245-
4455. (4R-5)
SUTTER HOME NEWSLETTER Sutter Home, P.O. Box 248, St. Helena, CA 94574; (707) 963-3104. (4R-
ST. CLEMENT CONNECTION St. Clement Vineyards, 2867 St. Helena Hwy. N., St. Helena, CA 94574 (707)
963-7221. (4R-6)
ST. SUPERY CHRONICLES St. Supéry Vineyards & Winery, P.O. Box 38, Rutherford, CA 94573; (707)
963-4507. (4R-5)
THE PRESSING ISSUE, Trentadue Winery, 19170 Geyserville Ave., Geyserville, CA 95441 (707) 433-3104 or
(800) 32-WINES. The winery's tasting room and country store are open daily from 10am to 5pm. Gondola rides; picnic
facilities; family fun. (7R-3)
CULBERTSON SPARKLING NEWSLETTER, Thornton Winery, 32575 Rancho California Road, Temecula, CA
92589-9008 (800) 966-0099; FAX (909) 699-5536. (4R-6)
TUALATIN NOTES Tualatin Vineyards, 10850 NW Seavey Rd., Forest Grove, OR 97116 (503) 357-5005; FAX
(503) 357-1702. (4S-1)
TWIN HILLS NEWSLETTER Twin Hills Winery, 2025 Lake Nacimiento Road, Paso Robles, CA 93446 (805)
238-9148. (4S-1)
van der Heyden NEWSLETTER, van der Heyden Vineyards & Winery, 4057 Silverado Trail, Napa, CA
94558 (800) 948-9463 or (707) 257-0130; FAX (707) 257-3311. (4R-4)
UNCORKED Washington Hills Cellars, 111 E. Lincoln, Sunnyside, WA 98944 (509) 839-9463; FAX (509) 839-
6155. (4R-2)
WINDSOR VINEYARDS NEWS-LETTER, Windsor Vineyards, Dept. MTW, P.O. Box 368, Windsor,
CA 95492; (800) 333-9987. (4R-6)
ZD WINES ESSENCE NEWSLETTER, ZD Wines, 8383 Silverado Trail, Napa, CA 94588 (707) 963-5188 or
(800) 487-7757. Ask for Barbie. (4R-4)
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WineTrader Web Pages are designed, hosted and maintained by Wines on the Internet. This material may not be duplicated by electronic or other means without prior written permission of the publisher.
Latest Update: October 31, 1997