Here's a tip when using search engines on the Internet: Instead of
typing in "Home winemaking," type in "Home and winemaking." Search engines
treat each word as a separate entity and will give you matches for each one
independent of the other. Example, when I recently did a search on Home and
winemaking I got Sites 1 - 10 of 23,323,098. That represents the first ten
are visible out of 23 million matches. Can you believe that? Fortunately the
first few hundred thousand had to do with wine. I suppose if I had scrolled
long enough I could have gotten building plans for a straw house in
Arizona...that would have been the far end of the "home" part.
I've also
learned that the popular search engines, Yahoo, Lycos, Webcrawler, Excite,
etc., will each give a different response, i.e. sites 1 - 10 of 1,017 or
sites 1 - 10 of 321,998, and then the first 50 listed may be a repeat of the
one above it, like you'll find when you first run across,
but none of the engines seem to have an organized sense of priority.
Recommendation: use different search engines to find the same information
on the same subject, whatever it may be.
I wasn't intimidated by the
prospect of scrolling through 23 million matches so proceeded to look at
those that appeared most interesting. The very first one, "Internet
Winemaking Resources," could not be found. Nor could about 20% of the
others I clicked on, which included some pointing to the U.C. Davis site,
one of the best on the Internet, as pointed out later.
I hit home
winemaking paydirt when I came across whose first sentence was
"It's nice to hit a home run, the first time at bat!" I could understand
how they could feel that way.
While visiting I was reading an
in-depth wine and health article and captured the following: "The simple
answer is that if every adult North American drank two glasses of wine each
day, cardiovascular disease, which accounts for almost 50% of deaths in
this population, would be cut by 40% and $40 billion could be saved annually."
Yes! Yes! Yes! Now if we can only get the feds and the likes of Florida,
Kentucky, and a few other Fascist states to acknowledge those health
benefits we could reduce this country's negative cash flow significantly.
Hmmm, appears whatever the Curmudgeon has is catching.
captivating article was entitled "Winemaking is for men?" You know I had
to read that as well. It isn't so, according to Susan Kazan, the author
and proprietor of Wine Not in Toronto.
This site also included a Beet
Wine Recipe: 3 lbs. unpeeled beets, 1 gallon water, 3 lbs. sugar, there's
more, and: Rice and Raisin Wine: .5 kilos raisins, .25 kilos long grain
rice, 4.5 kilos sugar (if you are stuck for yeast nutrient, try Vitamin B1),
etc. No bombs, bare-breasts, or thrilling action scenes. JW says check
it out.
The best site I came across on
this trip was this one
by U.C. Davis at
Check in here and you'll be busy for
the next four years. A masterpiece of wine resources.
Another great
site is located at which purports to be
the World Wine Encyclopedia. From what I saw it's legit. Extensive reviews
of the world by wine region, type of wines grown and includes maps. Pretty
And, of course, for all of us who needs, or should I say,
wants, updated information governing direct shipment regulations for each
state, you can go directly to and click on the
state in question. Published by Wine Institute and very easy to follow.
Did I mention that back issues of The Wine Trader and of course The
Online Report along with lots of other good wine information, can be found
at our favorite site:
Having been in the wine business, from production to sales and marketing, for more than 20 years Jim Wallace has
turned into a computer junkie. His reasoning is that more wine will eventually be sold through the use of computers than
could ever be sold otherwise. For questions about computers or online services Wallace can be reached at 415-464-0329,
e-mail or
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WineTrader Web Pages are designed, hosted and maintained by Wines on the Internet. This material may not be duplicated by electronic or other means without prior written permission of the publisher.
Latest Update: October 31, 1997