Victorian Elegance New Orleans Style
LAMOTHE HOUSE, located in the French Quarter of New Orleans, is much the same today as it was nearly 150 years ago.
Its charming pink stucco walls, white trimmed balconies, green shuttered windows, and elegant
accouterments. The house watched history unfold and witnessed events historians only try to
This gentle structure was built in the 1840's. Two homes were built, in the Vieux Carre
style, with a carriageway in the middle leading to a center courtyard, and service wings extending
from each side in the rear. In early 1866, the entrance to the carriageway was closed and the two
homes were joined with an elaborate foyer. Black and white Italian marble floor tiles were installed and
handsome twin staircases, with hand-turned mahogany banisters, were added.
Today, the cool and inviting entrance sparkles with reflections of crystal
chandeliers in gilt-edged mirrors, and it is alive with memories as well as memorabilia of that special
time. Lamothe House with its authenticity and integrity intact, is not decorated in the Victorian
is the Victorian style!
The twenty bedrooms and/or suites in the inn are the epitome of elegance. Guests enjoy
the finest amenities and savor the luxury of turn of the century antiques and artifacts. All offer a color
television tucked away, in keeping with the appropriateness of the era, and a full-service telephone
system. Bathrooms are equipped with tub and shower.
Two of the inn's most elegant suites, the Mallard and the Lafayette are located on the
first floor. They have been named as among the most striking hotel rooms in America. Dark
blue walls, white, ornately carved wood moldings and ceiling medallions decorate the Mallard Suite,
which features a splendid half-canopied bed, created by Mallard, the famed New Orleans cabinet
maker. The room is replete with polished wood antiques, crystal chandeliers, and Oriental rugs. An
adjoining sitting room is comfortable and inviting with its plump velvet furniture and swag draperies
cascading to a plush pile on the floor.
ABC Television chose the Lamothe House as their headquarters during one of the
Republican Conventions in past years using the Mallard as their Hospitality Suite.
The "petite dejeuner" or Continental Breakfast, gratis with the room tariff, is served every
morning in the stylish dining room or weather permitting guests can dine "al fresco" in the courtyard.
The meal consists of fresh orange juice, freshly baked croissants, and famous New Orleans dark
roast coffee.
Room rates are from $82-$195 plus any and all applicable taxes. AMEX, MC, and VISA
accepted. The Lamothe House is not handicapped accessible. There is free, off-street parking, an
added bonus in the Quarter. Pets are not allowed. Non-smoking rooms available upon request at time
of reservation. Concierge onsite. Gift certificates can be arranged.
The French Quarter is the hub of New Orleans and the inn's location is pertinent here. A
short list of "things to see" includes: Jackson Square, the French Market for beignets and so much
more, Royal Street for all the antiques stores, plus all the famous restaurants, and don't forget
Bourbon Street and all the jazz a visitor desires. The staff will make reservations, recommendations,
and arrange for transportation.
The inn is located at the edge of the French Quarter on Esplanade, between Royal and
Charters Streets.
For a brochure, a reservation, or information write to: Lamothe House, 621
Esplanade Avenue, New Orleans, LA 70116 or telephone: (800) 367-5858 or (504) 947-1161.
Their FAX is: (504) 943-6536.
For a destination of Victorian elegance, southern style, the romance of history, and a
sensational stay in the French Quarter...the answer is Lamothe House.

Sandi Wechsler is a prolific writer whose syndicated columns on antiques and collectables has been running for 14
years. She also writes three different travel features for as many different publications. In previous lives she was one of
America's first female disc jockeys (specializing in rhythm & blues before it was fashionable), a talk show host, retired
as a director of nursing, and has spent more than 30 years married to (and following around) a clinical professor who went
from medical schools to Indian reservations.
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Latest Update: October 31, 1997