
Vol. R, No. 4
The Wine Curmudgeon
The Master Sommelier |
Online Report
Lodgings Report |
Cookbook Corner |
Travel Trader |
The Book Report
The Small Vintner |
W.I.N.O. News |
Letters to the Editor
Free Wine & Food Publications
Dear Readers,

It's our most colorful issue ever! Sixteen pages of the glossy stuff
(just like real uptown magazines) and even more in our newsprint
(but high quality newsprint!) section. And we've maintained our
90-plus pages at the same time.

- The Wine Curmudgeon is just about as
happy a camper as you're likely to find him this year, what with
a positive court ruling out of Florida on the interstate shipping
thing and more and more major media picking up on the free
enterprise and constitutional issues involved. What TWC
started bitching about in 1977, the Wall Street Journal
discovered as an issue in 1997.

Our usual contributor to The Small Vintner column,
Patrick Cambell, was too busy crushing grapes to file a story
this time, so we bring you a guest column that purports to be
the "Ultimate Winery Press Release," by that old master p.r.
practitioner, Edwin J. Schwartz.

Whatever you may think, it is not too early to start buying
presents for the holidays, and you'll find lots of new gift
ideas from Maurice Sullivan in The Book Report,
including several books on the technical side that you
vintner types will want to acquire. And just for
the holiday season, we've made The Best of the Book
Report the biggest it has ever been. Lots of
recommendations for some of the best wine books in the world.

- P.S. McCown reviews a special book by top chefs from San
Francisco and the Bay Area, compiled by local members of the
concierge corps in The Cookbook Corner.

Charles Sanders is out of the country, so another guest writer,
Pearson C. Trent III, tells you everything you need to know as
regards choosing and cooking a steak as good as the ones you
get at your favorite steak house restaurant.

- Fred Dame,The Master Sommelier, continues to
call for common sense wine lists. Lists on which real
wine drinkers can find wines of which they might actually have heard.

- Jim Wallace's Online Report deals with a
problem that we have personally encountered...trying to make
purchases or send messages via Netscape and not being able
to do so. Wallace clears the whole thing up.

- Sandi Wechsler just keeps coming up with
great sounding hotels and B&Bs in her The Lodgings Report,
and this issue is no exception. This time she's taking us to...Michigan?!

- Guest contributing for the second consecutive
issue is travel writer Alvin T. Guthertz, who specializes
in offbeat destinations. This time he's writing about the
only cruise ship doing the Caribbean out of Houston,
and taking in a couple of ports never before visited by
any cruise ship. Follow his lead and you too can go
where few tourists have gone before.

- The Letters to the Editor section is huge.
There is also a W.I.N.O.Newsletter report and more.
- The Staff
Due to the archaic laws and regulations enacted in a post-prohibitlon furor to protect the morals of the
consumer from the "evils of demon rum", it is not legal, in some states, for an individual to sell and/or trade
wine or other licensed beverages. We ask that you make yourself aware of your own state's laws, as it is
impossible for us to list the regulations of all fifty states.
The Wine Trader is an advertising medium. Everything published in this publication, including label
reproduction, constitutes paid advertising unless otherwise stated. For information on advertising in either our printed publication or our web pages, please contact Jerry D. Mead at winetrader@aol.com.
WineTrader Staff:
Jerry D. Mead, Editor & Publisher
Sandra McCown, Asst. to the Publisher
Paul Tapia, Art Director
Julie Tapia, Contributing Editor
Travel Columnist, E. Edward Boyd
Contributors: Gerald Asher, Patrick Campbell, Fred Dame, Steve Gross, Elizabeth Holmgren, Charles
Saunders, Maurice Sullivan, Sandi Wechsler, Jim Wallace
Newsstand price $4. Annual subscription (6 issues) $18 in the United States; $24 USD in Canada &
Mexico; $36 USD ($48 airmail) everywhere else. To subscribe, place an ad, take care of business, or simply
talk wine, contact: The Wine Trader P.O. Box 1598 Carson City, NV 89702 Phone: (702) 884-2648 FAX
(702) 884-2484. E-mail: WineTrader
© Copyright 1997 Jerry D, Mead, JDM Enterprises and Wine Investigation for Novices and Oenophiles; all rights reserved.
WineTrader Web Pages are designed, hosted and maintained by Wines on the Internet. HTML and graphics reproduction rights reserved.
Latest Update: December 10, 1997