
Vol. R, No. 6
The Wine Curmudgeon
The Master Sommelier |
Health & Social Issues |
Online Report
Lodgings Report |
Cookbook Corner |
Travel Trader |
The Book Report
The Small Vintner |
W.I.N.O. News |
Letters to the Editor
Free Wine & Food Publications
Dear Readers,

The Wine Curmudgeon is back with a little more good news (another court
victory for free enterprise) and always more bad news. Catch his grumbling.

Jim Wallace's Online Report is very timely, it's all about
finding wine stuff on the Internet.

Patrick Campbell takes on the drunk driving vs drinking and driving issue
as part of The Small Vintner column.

Elisabeth Holmgren's Health & Social Issues Report takes a
little different twist reporting on the Vegetarian Diet Pyramid, which
includes moderate wine consumption.

Then there's a couple of guest appearances, including excerpts from
Bill MacIver's testimony to the California joint committee on wine and
interstate shipping and James Baxter's (Baxter is president of
the National Motorists Assoc.) essay titled Just Say No, which refers to
what you should say if a police officer asks permission to search your

A new contributor to The Wine Trader team, Melvin Michaelson, is on the
travel beat this issue, with everything you need to know about visiting
Yellowstone In Winter and Sandi Wechsler describes The Cobblestone Inn in
beautiful Carmel in The Lodgings Report.

In The Book Report, Maurice Sullivan has lots of good
recommendations for wine books, CDs and even cookbooks, while P.S. McCown
zeros in on a book devoted to a great cheese, Parmigiano! in The Cookbook

Fred Dame, The Master Sommelier, gives us his annual Top 20
Dining Experiences column, focusing on the sommeliers and wine service, of

Pearson C. Trent III talks about mushrooms in the Wining & Dining
section. And there's more, including a W.I.N.O. Newsletter
section, some very tasty Letters to the Editor...just keep clicking
those pages.
- The Staff
Due to the archaic laws and regulations enacted in a post-prohibitlon furor to protect the morals of the
consumer from the "evils of demon rum", it is not legal, in some states, for an individual to sell and/or trade
wine or other licensed beverages. We ask that you make yourself aware of your own state's laws, as it is
impossible for us to list the regulations of all fifty states.
The Wine Trader is an advertising medium. Everything published in this publication, including label
reproduction, constitutes paid advertising unless otherwise stated. For information on advertising in either our printed publication or our web pages, please contact Jerry D. Mead at winetrader@aol.com.
WineTrader Staff:
Jerry D. Mead, Editor & Publisher
Sandra McCown, Asst. to the Publisher
Paul Tapia, Art Director
Julie Tapia, Contributing Editor
Travel Columnist, E. Edward Boyd
Contributors: Gerald Asher, Patrick Campbell, Fred Dame, Steve Gross, Elizabeth Holmgren, Charles
Saunders, Maurice Sullivan, Sandi Wechsler, Jim Wallace
Newsstand price $4. Annual subscription (6 issues) $18 in the United States; $24 USD in Canada &
Mexico; $36 USD ($48 airmail) everywhere else. To subscribe, place an ad, take care of business, or simply
talk wine, contact: The Wine Trader P.O. Box 1598 Carson City, NV 89702 Phone: (702) 884-2648 FAX
(702) 884-2484. E-mail: WineTrader
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