
Vol. S, No. 4
The Wine Curmudgeon
The Master Sommelier |
Health & Social Issues
Lodgings Report |
Online Report |
Book Report |
Travel Trader
W.I.N.O. News |
Letters to the Editor |
Free Wine & Food Publications
Guest Writer: Dan Berger |
Guest Writer: Lew Purdue
Cookbook Corner
Dear Readers,

- The Wine Curmudgeon gets on several new, and several old, rants. TWC Begins with the usual
good news item, but it all gets pretty steamy after that. Don't miss the items on the Supreme Court,
Prohibition in Chicago, bullfrogs in boiling water and what wine to drink with Cheetos.

Dan Berger's onto one of his favorite topics saving under-appreciated
wine types and dining slow rather than fast. The piece originally appeared in
California Grapevine.

Frequent Wine Trader contributing writer Patrick Campbell was the recent recipient of the
Lodi-Woodbridge Winegrape Commission "Integrity Award," and has edited his acceptance
speech into his latest Small Vintner column.

Elisabeth Holmgren's Health & Social Issues column features all the latest news,
all good, about the benefits of moderate wine consumption.

Jim Wallace's Online Report talks about the problems with keeping the
information on web pages fresh.

It's time for Master Sommelier Fred Dame's annual "Best Wining-Dining
Experiences" of the previous year.

In The Cookbook Corner, P.S. McCown reviews a professional quality
cookbook now in its fourth edition.

The Book Report finds Maurice Sullivan with a surprising number of
new titles released after the holidays.

Lew Perdue's popular new The Investor's Report has a look at
investing safely in a bear market.

As usual, Sandi Wechsler is all over The Travel Trader and
The Lodgings Report and from Indiana to the Connecticut

Pearson C. Trent III is back with an interesting piece on four rivers, all Named Green.

And finally, there are two reports in The W.I.N.O. Newsletter,
one from Carson Valley, the other from the Napa/Sonoma Chapter.
- The Staff
Due to the archaic laws and regulations enacted in a post-prohibitlon furor to protect the morals of the
consumer from the "evils of demon rum", it is not legal, in some states, for an individual to sell and/or trade
wine or other licensed beverages. We ask that you make yourself aware of your own state's laws, as it is
impossible for us to list the regulations of all fifty states.
The Wine Trader is an advertising medium. Everything published in this publication, including label
reproduction, constitutes paid advertising unless otherwise stated. For information on advertising in either our printed publication or our web pages, please contact Jerry D. Mead at winetrader@aol.com.
WineTrader Staff:
Jerry D. Mead, Editor & Publisher
Sandra McCown, Asst. to the Publisher
Paul Tapia, Art Director
Julie Tapia, Contributing Editor
Travel Columnist, E. Edward Boyd
Contributors: Gerald Asher, Patrick Campbell, Fred Dame, Steve Gross, Elizabeth Holmgren, Charles
Saunders, Maurice Sullivan, Sandi Wechsler, Jim Wallace
Newsstand price $4. Annual subscription (6 issues) $18 in the United States; $24 USD in Canada &
Mexico; $36 USD ($48 airmail) everywhere else. To subscribe, place an ad, take care of business, or simply
talk wine, contact: The Wine Trader P.O. Box 1598 Carson City, NV 89702 Phone: (702) 884-2648 FAX
(702) 884-2484. E-mail: WineTrader
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